You Need to Know your BMR Before Starting Any Weight Loss Program

For you to lose weight you need to know your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) and create a deficit in calories consumed in comparison with your food intake. In fact, in order to reduce a single pound every week, you need to have a 500-calorie deficit per day. However, you need to determine the amount of calories you must eat to keep your present weight. The initial step in determining the exact amount of calories your body requires is to calculate your BMR or Basal Metabolic Rate.

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5 Household Activities That Burn Calories

Losing weight doesn’t necessarily must include expensive fitness center memberships or expensive equipment. Any exercise that you perform is a real plus for your goal of losing weight provided that it triggers your whole body to burn calories and increase your metabolism.

We frequently associate losing weight with hours of walking, running, using stair climbing or elliptical machines, but this just isn’t true. Probably the most routine household activities, like cleaning your house, can burn quite as many calories as jogging for a full hour.

Here are some examples of good household activities that burn calories:

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Popular Myths and Misconceptions about Muscle Growth

There is a lot of myth and confusion about the body building industry in general and what you should do to promote lean muscle mass growth. In fact, these misconceptions are often reasons given by people who simply have no desire or intention to improve their physical well-being. If you’re one of the experienced competitors, then you’ll need to comprehend the facts in order to refute these false rumors. In this article you will find some of the more prevalent points of confusion.

1. In order for rapid muscle growth to occur you have to work out for several hours each day.

The fact is that a man’s body just doesn’t benefit from hours of strenuous exercise. After the initial hour, the level of testosterone in his body drops. Testosterone is a hormone responsible for promoting muscle growth and burning up fat calories. On the bad side, the muscle building hormone cortisol kicks into high gear when you over train. Cortisol is the hormone that causes you to store body fat and encourages the loss of muscle. This is one time when doing more work doesn’t help your cause one bit.

2. When body builders stop weight training their muscle turns into fat.

Beep! Wrong answer. First, you have to recognize that muscle and fat are two totally distinct tissue masses. Believing that muscle develops into fat is like thinking that glass evolves into wood. Just think about what happens when a body builder stops working out. First, their training is cut back or stopped. This means that their muscle growth ends and actually, muscle begins to atrophy, or shrink. Body builders’ metabolism decelerates and they burn less calories. Combined with this their dietary plan may come back to bad dietary habits. What really is happening is that the muscle is shrinking and is replaced by fat mass. Muscle does not turn into fat.

3. Your fat turns into muscle when you weigh train.

See #2 item above. Fat and muscle have two completely different tissue structures. When you combine aerobics, weight training and a better diet, your body grows more muscle than it does fat. Fat does not turn into muscle.

4. You can eat whatever you want as long as you exercise.

When you consume more calories than you burn, those calories turn into fat. If you exercise 8 hours a day and burn up 13,000 calories, but spend 3 hours eating and drinking 14,000 calories, those extra 2,000 calories turn into fat. Whatever you don’t burn off turns is stored as fat.

Those are the top myths most heard by professional body builders.

How to Burn Fat without Losing Muscle Mass

Jumping right into a diet plan without learning how to burn fat without losing muscle can be a big mistake. The most common reason for weight loss failure is the early mistakes we make in our diet program that hurt us in the end. Following a proper diet is important for losing weight; however, a proper diet should be a healthy diet, a combination of the right types of food with the correct amount of calories. It is also necessary to combine your diet with the right amount of daily exercise, together will help us burn the extra fat accumulated in our bodies and not our muscle mass. Keeping and growing our muscle mass is important to increase our metabolism and burn more fat for a longer period of time, without even exercising or walking or even being awake.

Learning How to Burn Fat without Losing Muscle Mass

The main lesson of knowing how to burn fat without losing muscle mass is learning not to cut calories too fast from your daily diet. A lot of people start their diet program with enthusiasm and excitement but end up drastically reducing the amount of calories they consume each day. Cutting too much calories fast is very bad for your health as it forces your body to burn muscle tissues to make up for the lack of energy. It also leads to slowing down your metabolic rate, which will make losing weight even more difficult, if not plain impossible. The problem is not the amount of food, well, sometimes it is, but more often than not, is the type of food you eat throughout the day that cause our body to store fat.

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